At the clinic we have a firm commitment to treat, care for and support you as best we can. Still, something may have happened to make you discontented.
Do you have a complaint? Please send us an email at or . We treat all complaints carefully and confidentially.
Complaint about a staff member
Do you have a valid complaint about one of our staff members? Our complaints officer can mediate. This means that she will present the complaint to the staff member concerned and request their response. The complaints officer will work with you and the staff member concerned to come to a solution. If you want to, she can set up a meeting between you and the staff member where the complaints officer is present in her role as mediator. You can contact our complaints officer at
Health Care Complaints Commission (‘Geschillencommissie Zorg’)
If you are unhappy with the handling of your complaint by the complaints officer, or if you don’t want to participate in mediation, you can file your complaint with the Health Care Complaints Commission (‘Geschillencommissie Zorg’). Decisions of the Health Care Complaints Commission are binding: both parties must abide by them. Bloemenhove Clinic Haarlem and Abortion Clinic Amsterdam are members of Geschillencommissie Zorg.