After the day treatment or abortion pill
The following symptoms are normal in the first days or weeks after the day treatment or abortion pill:
- Bleeding, cramping, abdominal pain or backache
- Hormonal symptoms
- Diarrhoea or nausea caused by the antibiotics (only after day treatment)
- Sore breasts and/or breast engorgement (milk)
Do you have one or more of the following symptoms, always contact our clinic or your GP.
Bleeding and pain
Up to several days after the treatment, you may suffer from backache, stomach cramps and bleeding, comparable to a normal period. Most bleeding is expected after 4 to 7 days and can last longer than during menstruation.
Bleeding often ends with brownish discharge. You may also pass clots of blood. Bleeding can disappear for a little while and then reappear; this is different for everyone.
You can take Ibuprofen or Aleve for the pain, combined with paracetamol if necessary. Don’t take aspirin. Always carefully read the package leaflet of painkillers and observe the prescribed amounts.
Hormonal symptoms
Pregnancy symptoms, including nausea and emotional instability, usually disappear within 2 to 14 days. Because pregnancy hormones stay in your body for a while, a pregnancy test may be positive up to three or four weeks after the abortion.
Sore breasts and/or breast engorgement
If your pregnancy was a little more advanced, your breasts can feel tense and sore for a while after the termination. You may also experience engorgement and your breasts may leak milk.
A supportive, wireless bra will make you feel more comfortable. Do not massage your breasts. Applying cold ice packs to your breasts may also relieve discomfort. Or you can take a painkiller.
Your next period
Usually, you will have your next period within 4 to 6 weeks. At first, your menstruation may be a bit different from your normal cycle. If you are on the pill, bleeding will usually appear after you finished the first strip. Your first menstrual period after the abortion is often quite different from what you are used to. It may be heavier and longer, or lighter and shorter. Your first period after the abortion says nothing about your future periods.
To prevent infection, you can’t have vaginal sex for two weeks after the treatment. During these two weeks, you are also not allowed to use tampons, swim or take a bath, but taking a shower is fine.
You are fertile immediately after an abortion.
Normal symptoms in the first days after the abortion:
- Bleeding and cramping
- Abdominal pain or backache
- Slight temperature
- Emotional instability
- Diarrhoea or nausea caused by the antibiotics
Any additional pregnancy symptoms usually disappear within 2 to 14 days. Because your body still contains pregnancy hormones, a pregnancy test may be positive up to 3 weeks after the abortion.
It’s advisable to take a pregnancy test 3 to 4 weeks after the abortion. If the test is (weakly) positive, you still feel pregnant, or have other symptoms, please contact us.
The chance of developing an infection is remote, but if you feel unwell and have a fever (over 38.5°C) that lasts longer than a day and abdominal pain, this could mean you have an infection. In that case, please contact us as soon as possible.
It’s important to have a follow-up 4 weeks after the treatment. You can have the follow-up at our clinic or at your GP surgery. A follow-up at our clinic is usually done by phone. If directly after the abortion you have been fitted with an IUD or there were some complications, the follow-up will take place at our clinic.
During the follow-up, the doctor or nurse will check if you have recovered physically, if you (still) have any symptoms and how you are doing emotionally. The doctor or nurse will also ask you how you have experienced the treatment and how you are coping. In addition to this, we will discuss contraception.
During a follow-up at the clinic, the doctor discusses the same things as during a follow-up by telephone. Also, you will take a pregnancy test and have an ultrasound scan.
Following an abortion you can go back to work or school the next day. Generally speaking, you can also exercise the next day. Depending on how you feel, we advise you to take it easy during the first week after the treatment. You are the best judge of what you can and can not do.
Usually, you will have your period within 4 to 6 weeks. At first, your menstruation may be a bit different from your normal cycle. If you are on the pill, bleeding will usually appear after you finished the first strip.
The medicines you are given during and after the treatment do not affect breastfeeding. Very occasionally we have to administer a medicine that does affect breastfeeding. In that case, it’s best to postpone breastfeeding for a few hours. Of course we will discuss this with you beforehand. During the intake, always mention that you are breastfeeding so we can take this into consideration.